
The simple way to add a welcome activity to your Android app

View the Project on GitHub bdiegel/android-aloha


Aloha is a library for adding a simple welcome activity to your Android application. Customization is simple. You specify resource identifiers for each page and write a minimal amount of code.

Sample application

Get it on Google Play

Use the link above to install the demo from the Play Store. The sample application source is also available on GitHub.


  1. The Aloha library is available on JCenter. Add the dependency to your build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        compile 'honuapps:aloha:0.9.0'
  2. Prepare your resources for each welcome page: image, header, content, and background color.
  3. Create a WelcomeActivity that extends BaseWelcomeActivity.
  4. Implement createPages() in WelcomeActivity. Create a PageDesriptor for each page:

    public void createPages() {
       addPage(new PageDescriptor(R.string.welcome_header_0, R.string.welcome_content_0, R.drawable.welcome_image_0, R.color.welcome_color_0));
       addPage(new PageDescriptor(R.string.welcome_header_1, R.string.welcome_content_1, R.drawable.welcome_image_1, R.color.welcome_color_1));
       addPage(new PageDescriptor(R.string.welcome_header_2, R.string.welcome_content_2, R.drawable.welcome_image_2, R.color.welcome_color_2));
  5. Declare your WelcomeActivity in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <activity android:name=".WelcomeActivity" />
  6. Modify your MainActivity to start the WelcomeActivity:

    if (WelcomeHelper.isWelcomeRequired(this)) {
        startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this, WelcomeActivity.class));
        overridePendingTransition(android.R.anim.fade_in, android.R.anim.fade_out);

Resource Identifiers

Specify resource identifiers to customize each welcome page:

Description View Resource Id (yours)
image ImageView R.drawable.your_image
header TextView R.string.your_page_header
content TextView R.string.your_page_content
background color Layout R.color.your_page_color


The versionCode of the client app can be used to show the welcome activity on app install or upgrade. Use this helper method to compare versions and update a SharedPreference when 'true'.



The PageTansformer provides a cross-fading transition between page slides of the view pager. The text slides with the page and gradually fades out. The image and background color also fade out as the new page increases in opacity. When you scroll off the last welcome page, the main activity is revealed.


During development you may find it helpful to clear the SharedPreference to force the WelcomeActivity to show each time you run your app.



Follow these suggestions for the best results:

Report Issues

Please use GitHub to report issues and request enhancements.


The sample application uses images under CC0 license.


License information LICENSE